Module II

To see what you get with your Module Two password watch this short video:

“You are rewarding a teacher poorly if you remain always a pupil.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche

By Popular Demand: Parent/Teacher Training


Absolutely Amazing Addends
is done!

One Wildly Wondrous WorkBook is done!

Christmas in July Now thru the 25th

Passwords will change again SOON.


Base Ten Block CRASH COURSE 
Just $97.00


Hourly rate is now $60.00 x 5 = $300.00.  
$75.00 single classes.

Use the contact link for payments or other communication.

Crewton Ramone's No Mystery Theatre Now Has A Second Page!!!
(More FREE vids!)

And pardon me: for those of you that can't do math, the November 2020 election was stolen.  Very basic math. Trump won in a landslide, so did a lot of others...this is why YOU need math.  

Algebra with base ten blocks online!

30 Hour Course.
Click for details.


New simplified organization.

Module II password Required.   

If you get a "Lifetime Passport" you get ALL 4, that means you get Four (4) PASSWORDS, but you can't put your "sitewide" password in here...well you CAN, it just won't work.

MOD 1: Series A+ Easy PZ + PDFs 

MOD 2: Parent Teacher Training + Winter Training 

MOD 3 : Sitewide 

MOD 4: "Advanced Pages" + SSDSS Facebook Math Group 

Already have your Module Two--formerly P/T Training password? (Not the "SITEWIDE" Password, which will not work here), click:


If you are new here, or got here by a search or clicking a link on twitter or what have you, here is a 90 second video to give you an idea how powerful base ten blocks coupled with this Methodology can be. Caution: I am told watching these 90 seconds can "change your math life." Some people get awfully upset to see how easy math can be.  Others get excited and happy because they realize that the math in their homeschool is about to change drastically for the better. Please explore and discover more on this website.

I am biased towards Mortensen Math blocks but there are several that you may find are serviceable, basically any base 10 blocks will work.

Buy Modules.

Learn To Use Base Ten Blocks

The point of this site and the P/T Training (Module Two) is to teach ANYBODY to be able to produce students like that, not just me and not just Jerry Mortensen or a select few others. Over the last 28 years I've pretty much proven that I can teach just about anybody Mathematics and not only that, I can teach almost anybody how to teach Math effectively using this method.  It's not me, it's the method.

Once you learn, I encourage you to teach others besides your own children. If you are a teacher, you're going to love these trainings.

If YOU want to learn how to be effective with base ten blocks I'm here to teach you how; you take it as far as you want. I don't care if you are "just a mom", a teacher, or whatever if you want to learn: this is the place. I've had several high school "math phobiacs" end up making a living tutoring math.

This website was designed to give you years of activities & instruction, You aren't going to get through it all in a weekend, or even a summer

The problem now, which I find quite humorous, is that I have TOO MUCH STUFF and people feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start.  .

LOL! How about clicking the "Getting Started" tab? Things have been reorganized to make it easier for you to get going.

Start on the getting started page, review the Concepts Page and EZ PZ Overview & then go through the modules... 

I have had little sympathy because when I started it was the exact opposite: there was no training (ZERO) and then for a few years the $500.00 kit came with four VHS wanted training? You had to fly to Idaho. Get a hotel, IF Jerry felt like having one and it was not guaranteed he'd show up on time....

Now you get HOURS of vid for FREE and at the moment there are MANY hours of exclusive training you won't get elsewhere, + I'm always adding more.  Hurricane Training for example. This page has its own password. Otherwise training is accessed using the MODULE II password.

Here is a page of videos including a ONE HOUR OVERVIEW.

Yes, it's "a lot of stuff" but math is a pretty big subject and how to teach it using base ten blocks isn't going to be covered on a short webpage with a one hour video.

If you have the  P/T Training Password just click ENTER and you are in, but perhaps you would like to watch a few minutes of it first so...

Here are a few more excepts:

Short excerpt form a 75 minute training...

This is 11 minutes out of 75 minutes of a training I did. Audio and video quality is poor because it's a screencast, the original is much better quality as you'll soon see. Was supposed to be an hour training, this is from about 40 minutes in to 51 and went another half hour after that.

I'm famous for going long not short even though in the vid I mention stopping after 50 minutes, it's a pretty rare occasion...

Another short excerpt showing how compound teaching effects understanding and "number sense." How about gaining an understanding of basic concepts for example multiplication and division are inverse functions? And how about understanding what division IS. 

On a similar note, I had a room full of 50 teachers that I asked why we invert and multiply. No one would answer, One because they didn't want to look foolish in front of their peers but two because most of them have no idea I had just memorized the rule like you did. 

If you want more training like this just get the Module Two password. If you bought a Lifetime Password just email me and I'll send you this one FREE. The lifetime pass is now four passwords ($399.99) or $111 per module.

Here is an short excerpt form an almost 2 hour training. We talked about subtraction, negative numbers, how to use algebra to bring the points home and more.

This training was GREAT because it had parents who were afraid to do algebra and "advanced" math with their kids (6 and 10) because they were not confident but after ONE, 1 hour training and the training on the other side plus the material on other password pages they are having FUN and the kids favorite time is, of course, MATH TIME. Homeschooling parents are thrilled when kids ASK FOR algebra, because math is fun, especially algebra.

It's no exaggeration, these passwords can change everything.

Take Advantage Of The Free Material First.

But before you break down and buy a password maybe you should spend some hours on my blog and this website exploring, reading and watching videos, all for FREE...or at leaste peruse them so you get an idea of how much you are getting and going to get for your money. The blog posts get old but they never go out of date. Really: people are amazed.

The trainings are for parents and teachers who are already fairly familiar with base ten blocks and want more training on the methodology...although even if you are brand new here those three vids up there should answer a few questions.

If you haven't already seen this page, spend a little time here, (and yes I know my fractions page really needs work).

It's a page called Base 10 Blocks Best Use, and it is designed to show you a few tidbits and entice you to poke around the house of math. Seriously, you can spend hours learning how to use your blocks and watching them in use not just in theory with real live students (which is invaluable in and of itself) without ever spending a dime.

"So, I am absolutely flabbergasted by the stuff I am learning just hanging out in the House of Math like four to five hours (literally) per day! Before the little one gets up, I'm on. Nap time, I'm on. After bedtime, I'm on with toothpicks bracing my eyelids. Even before purchasing the passwords! It's like a crash course re-education, and I am infinitely grateful..."

The Difference Between Theory And Practice.

I've been to several trainings for various things and anybody can tell you, there's theory and then there's practice. On this site you get both. What's on the other side is theory and method as opposed to the blog and most of the rest of website which is pretty much all practice you SEE the students learning in real time, unrehearsed.

The point is, before you dive in and spend money on training or passwords digest some of the free material first. If you already have some experience and want more, get the password(s) below.

 And here is 40 minutes of free training on presenting addition and subtraction along with problem solving to your students or children. Follow the links and watch the videos, they give you the nuts and bolts; "how to" using the blocks. The training on the other side of this page is more about concepts and methodology than actual hands on training with blocks although there is plenty of that of that. Keep in mind that we could just as easily have started factoring polynomials but most of you are stuck in the mindset that we have to start with addition... 

Get a Lifetime Password, use this button for one time payments or scroll down and subscribe with 12 easy payments.



Once you finish the training on this website, you will be light years ahead of your peers. including teachers who graduate with Masters Degrees That required less than three credit hours of mathematics.  They have no idea why we invert multiply when doing division fractions and could never derive the quadratic equation because like me, they were just told to memorize the formula...And most of them are never exposed to ideas like this:

Links to two more slightly longer videos that give you a fuller explanation are behind this pay wall. Be sure to review the information on this page House For A Duck.

If you watch that video on YouTube, you will find this link:

The Empty Brain: Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer.


Just send me your email. I'll send you my book. Maybe a good idea to put SSS in the subject line. Allow 24 hours for delivery. Use the contact tab (up there on the left...the one that says contact, right near the bottom) or click the link and put in your info. And don't worry, you won't be getting a lot of email from me.


Again by popular demand, now you can can break it up into payments.  12 Payments of $37 and you are in for life:

12 Payments $37.00 (all 4 Modules)

You'll get a module every few payments.

Go home from Module Two 

Buy Modules

Module one.

Module three.

Winter Training (MII)

Hurricane Training. 

Algebra Online Course


“I care not what subject is taught if only it be taught well.” ~Thomas Henry Huxley

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” ~ Albert Einstein

"I don't say awesome....but this is awesome!" ~PS CO.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Of course "nobody" buys your training it's only 15 bucks {price is currently 24 on it's way to 49} so they think it's s*#t, and there's no way for you to tell them this is probably the best thing on the internet when it comes to learning how to teach math...they'll never believe you--that they can get this for basically no money. No Way! They are used to paying way more and getting way less. I can't believe it, so why should they? 15 bucks? Can't be any good."~ from a training that didn't make it to video here.

"I'm so glad that I have found your website. It has truly made a difference in how my daughter and I approach math while we homeschool. I've finished the teacher training videos and have watched many of your other videos and screencasts. I'm working my way through your website. Thank you!"~ SG, USA.

Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?

Consider a dollar a month.

For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website.  I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.

Here's My Patreon:

Note: from time to time the passwords change. Simply e-mail me for a new one or a new passport as the case may be. Annual passes are good for one year, lifetime passes are good for as long as the site remains up, (site has been up for eight years now).  All single page passwords have lifetime renewal.

Please pay it forward! Here's how...

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  1. Click on the HTML link code below.
  2. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable.

Note: Mortensen Product Ordering Buttons Have Been Removed Due To Shipping/Inventory Issues. i basically DO NOT sell product for them anymore. Use eBay or other sources for base ten blocks.

Want to see more free pages & lessons & other free stuff on this site?

Consider a dollar a month.

For $1 per month (the lowest level subscription) you get access to
Super Duper Super Secret Facebook Page
You'll find hours and hours of videos with base ten blocks and information you won't may not find anywhere else not even on this website.  I often post video tutoring sessions there. Other people post vids and links there. Lessons cost the people doing them minimum $50.00 and hour. You can watch 2 to 10 of them a month for a dollar...Do the math. Currently 127 people are there. About half of them are active.
You basically get a support group for a buck a month.

Here's My Patreon:

Passwords have been re-organized into modules. PASSWORD INFO ← Click to find out more.

Already have Passwords but they don't work anymore? Hit the Contacts Tab and email me at gmail for the new ones.

Passwords have changed as of July2023.

The superduper supersecret math page on Facebook is NOT FREE. Just sign up for a buck a month or buy a LT password.

**The Crash Course is the same as the 5 Oct 2019 training with a few bells and whistles added like my books and links to free vids you might not find by yourself.

People are shocked and amazed when they see how much they get for a password. $37.50 goes a long way at the house of math.