Math Camp Was A Blast!

by Karissa

Well, I almost didn't come to math camp because we just invested in more blocks and my husband was reluctant to spend more money right away, and he wasn't sure if the kids would sit through it. He agreed after some insisting on my part. I thought it would be nice to have someone other than myself teach my kids, and fun for them to work along with other children.

I'm glad we came because my kids had a great time! My son played along as long as he could but after a few days it went over his head. He's almost 5 and I thought he did pretty well considering. But my 7 year old daughter stayed engaged and had a great time. She is young and has the attention span of a fruit fly, but she sat through the whole hour every day and woke up every morning ready to do some math!

Some concepts were easy because we'd played with them at home before, but some new concepts challenged her and pushed her to think. By the end of camp we were playing with y=mx+b and she really didn't get it right away. But I got it as I watched along with her and now we have something to work on for the next few weeks. I have no doubt she'll understand after playing with it a few times. We really covered a lot of stuff in 10 hours!

I have a password and I watch the videos, but you can't beat the live interaction to really bring the concepts to life. There were some things I wasn't completely clear on how to present that I get now after sitting through math camp with my kids.

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Jul 26, 2017

by: Crewton Ramone

Passwords are the next best thing but that's why I wanted to do "LIVE" math camps using google not just FB live...the interaction.

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